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Sewerage and Septic

Sewerage and Septic - Repair and Replacement

South East Queensland Plumbing Services

This is one area of plumbing that should not be in the "HOW TO" books - getting your sewerage line wrong can lead to some very unhappy housemates and some even unhappier neighbours.  As licensed plumbers we deal with these issues every day, and yes we do deal also with the aftermath or the home handyman too.  The majority of issues within your sewerage system are blockages and we don't mean when the master of the house shared last nights curry with the rest of the world.  We are talking about items like wet wipes that don't break down properly or tampons, cotton balls and condoms that get put in the toilet or even tree roots that have broken into the pipes and last but not least toys, remote controls or the car keys.  We have the right tools for the job to get this fixed.

Unfortunately, most of our sewerage work is reactive repairs or replacement.  We do however do new work - maybe you are putting in a new toilet or even building a whole new house and you need a plumber to set things up in the build - we are the team for you at Double Tap Plumbing and Drainage. 

If you are not on the mains sewer line, then a septic system is what you will need - we are fully licensed and experienced in repairs, replacement and the ongoing maintenance of your septic sewerage system.  Call us today to have a chat - we will always give you the right advice. 


Sewerage Systems

It is not the most exciting thing to talk about and rarely a matter to discuss at a dinner party but making sure your sewerage system is operating perfectly is a matter of urgency - popping in to the neighbours for sugar is not quite the same as popping in to use their toilet.

Septic Systems

If we all do not have the luxury of the "poop and release" method of the mains sewerage system - then the alternative is a septic sewerage system. This is self managed where a tank buried in your yard works to break down wastes - we can repair and replace these systems.